Count: 105
- G. Buachidze, G. Melikadze, M. Todadze-1982. GEOCHEMICAL OBSERVASIONS DURIWG THE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN GEORGIA ON 31 JULY, 1981” Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgia, 106, N1,
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- G.Biagi, G.Melikadze et al. –Abnormal behavior of some parameters revealed in the Georgia before the Armenia earthquake of december 7, 1988: A Preliminary Report. IL NUOVO CIMENTO, Vol. 13 G., N.3., Maggio-Giugno 1990.
- G. Buachidze, G. Melikadze, M. Todadze-1990. ,,THE RESPONSE OF HYDRODYNAMIC PARAMETERS TO EARTHQUAKE GENERATION PROCESS”-Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of the Georgian, 138, N2, F.
- P.Bella, G. Biagi, G. Melikadze et al. -Anomalies in geophysical and geochemical parameters revealed on the occasion of the Paravani (M=5.6) and Spitak (M=6.9) earthquakes (Caucasus). Tectonophysics 202 (1992) 23-41. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam.
- F. Bella, P. Biagi, G. Melikadze et al. -No preseismic evidence from hydrogeochemical parameters on the occasion of the April 29, 1991, Georgian earthquake, Caucasus. Tectonophysics, 213 (1992) 353-358 Elsevier Science Publishers B. v., Amsterdam.
- G. Melikadze, G. Kumsiashvili "Monitoring of the hydro geo deformation filed on the territory of Georgia", Conference materials, Moscow, 13-15 May, 1998
- U.V. Adamchuk, G.I. Buachidze, G.I. Melikadze "Radon correlation coefficient gravitation, displaying the seismic situation", 10 years after the Spitak earthquake Conference; materials, Yerevan 1998
- T. Janelidze, G. Melikadze, G. Kumsiashvili "Areal hydrogeodeformation field's monitoring applied for seismic risk assessment in Georgia", Thesis of the International warkshop "Geophysic and geochemic criteria to forecast earthquakes", Baku, 22-23 April, 1998
- G. Melikadze, G. Kumsiashvili "Evolution of the hydro geo deformation filed on the territory of Georgia during the strong earthquake preparation period", 10 years after the Spitak earthquake Conference; materials, Yerevan , 27-28 October, 1998
- G. Melikadze-“The studi of principles of modern evolution of geodinamikal processes of black sea strand of Georgia”. Internacional workshop “geologic, geophisic and geochemic researches in the black sea”. Tbilisi, December, 1999
- G. Didebulidze, G. Melikadze-ON the some seismic-aironomik precursors of the eartquake in the Caucasus region. Workshop on the Micro-satellite. Orleans, France, 15-16 July, 1999 P.
- P.Gavrilenko, G. Melikaze, T.Chelidze, D. Gibert, G. Kumsiashvili-Permanent water level drop associated with Spitak Earthquake: Observations at Lisi Borehole (Republic of Georgia) and modeling. Geophis. J. Int., 143, 83-98. 2000.
- G. Melikadze E. Ghlonti -Some features of hydrogeodeformation field in Caucasus during strong earthquakes preparation period. Journal of georgian geophysical society, issue A. Physic of earth, v. l. 5 2000.
- G. Melikadze E. Ghlonti- Methods of multi-factor analysis of seismohidrodinamic data. Journal of georgian geophysical society, issue A. Physic of earth, v. l. 5 2000.
- T. Matcharashvili, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze- Impact of Nonperiodic components in dynamics of water level variations in boreholes. Bulletin of the Academi of sciences of the Georgian, 163 № 2, 2001.
- T. Matcharashvili, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze-Detecting differences in dynamics of water level variation during Spitak and Racha earthquakes by complexity measure Eos. Trans. AGU 82947), fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract, 78, 2001.
- G.Buntebarth, G.Melikadze-Temperatur und Wasserspiegelvariationen bei stationaren Bohrlochmessungen. Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V. Hannover 25-26.Oktober 2001
- T.Chelidze, G. Melikadze, F. Zevvos, G. Bendukidze, A. Saanishvili. The study of heavy metal pollution at Madneuli complex ore deposit area. I Intern. Conference on ecology and environmental Management in Caucasus/ Tbilisi, 2001, p.p. 69-72.
- T. Matcharashvili, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze, E. Ghlonti.-Earthquake related disturbance in stationarity of water level variation. Bulletin of the Academi of sciences of the Georgian, 165 № 1, 2002
- T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze, Z. Machaidze -Study of heavy metal pollution at Madneuli ore deposit; geological, hydrogeological, geochemical and geophysical aspects, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society Issue (A), Physics of Solid Earth, v.7. 2002
- G. Melikadze, A. Aliev, G. Bendukidze, P. F. Biagi, B. Garalov, V. Mirianashvili, Impact of Earthquake Preperation Process On Hydrodeformation Field Evolution In The Caucasus. EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002.
- G. G. Didebulidze, G. Basilya, G. Benduckidze, S. P. Chilingarashvili, G. Melikadze, V. I. Mirianashvili, T. I. Toroshelidze. About Short-period Gravity Waves and Quasi-two Day Waves Coupling Prior Earthquake. EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002.
- G. Bendukidze, G. Buntebarth, J. Carneiro, T. Chelidze, A. Correia,M. Devidze, G. Melikadze . Determination of properties of the hydrothermal reservoir at Tbilisi/Georgia. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003
- T. Tchelidze, G. Melikadze, J. Leveinen, J. Kaija, S. Kumpalainen. Assessment and modelling of heavy metal contamination from Madneuli open-pit mine, Georgia. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003.
- A. Aliev, G. Bendukidze, P. F. Biagi, T. Chelidze, M. Devidze, B. Garalov, G. Melikadze, G. Vartanian. Hydrogeodeformation field in the Caucasus related to the preparation of Tbilisi earthquakes (M>4.5). EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003.
- G. Buntebarth, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze. Hydrodynamic and microtemperature monitoring in seismic areas. Georgian Engineering News, # 3, 12-132, 2004.
- G. Jashi, V. Chichinadze, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze, Z. Amilakhvari, D. Kitovani, G. Dzotsenidze, A. Revazishvili- Study of hydrogeological structures of Madneuli by geophysical methods, Journal of the Institute of Geophysics, v. LVIII. 2004
- G. MELIKADZE, G. BUNTEBARTH, GROUNDWATER REGIME CHANGE AND EARTHQUAKES IN TBILISI, GEORGIA. Advanced Study Institute; ,,Management and Sustainable Development of Urban Grounwater Systems”.Abstract Preprints, Baku, August 6-15, 2004.
- U. Zviadadze, M. Mardashova, T. Berdzenishvili, G. Melikadze- Ground water as apowerful factor of construction and exploitation of buildings in Tbilisi (Georgia). Proceedings of the 10 th ACUUS International conference "Underground space: economy and environment" & of the ISRM regional regional symposium "Rock mechanics for underground environment", 158-160, January 24-28, 2005, Moscow State University of civil engineering, Moscow, Russia.
- G. Melikadze, T. Chelidze, J. Leveinen - Modeling of heavy metal contamination within irrigative area. Groundwater and Ecosystems, 243-253, 2005, NATO Science Series, Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences- Vol. 70. 2006. Printed in the Netherlands.
- G.Melikadze, E. Sakvarelidze, G. Tumanishvili, I. Khomeriki-The Black sea and resource-ecological aspects of anoxidal sediment basins. International conference and 15th anniversary training through research post-cruise meting, 29.01-4.02. 2006, Moscow/Zveniorod, Russia.
- G. Buntebarth, T Chelidze, G. Melikadze, Hydrodynamic and microtemperatur monitoring in seismic areas: Tbilisi hydrothermal field, Georgia, Caucasus. “Time-Dependent microtemperature and hydraulic signals associated with tectonic/seismic activity” printed by M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Georgian. Academy of Sciences, Europian Center "Geodinamical Hazards Of Highdams" of open partial agreement on major disasters, council of Europe. Editors: G. Buntebarth, T. Chelidze Tbilisi 2005
- A. Correia, J. Carneiro, G. Buntebarth, T Chelidze, G. Melikadze, Numerical simulation of groundwater flow and heat transport in the Tbilisi hydrothermal reservoir. Printed by M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Georgian. Academy of Sciences, Europian Center "Geodinamical Hazards Of Highdams" of open partial agreement on major disasters, council of Europe. Editors: G. Buntebarth, T. Chelidze Tbilisi 2005
- T. Matcharashvili, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze, Nonlinear analysis of dynamics of water level variation in Georgia during increased regional seismic activity. Printed by M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Georgian. Academy of Sciences, Europian Center "Geodinamical Hazards Of Highdams" of open partial agreement on major disasters, council of Europe. Editors: G. Buntebarth, T. Chelidze Tbilisi 2005.
- Buntebarth G, Chelidze T, Melikadze G. - The hydrothermal system of Tbilisi, Georgia. J. H. Tellam et al. (eds.) Urban Groundwater Systems Management and Sustainability, 417-426. 2006 Springer.
- G. Melikadze, I. Kobzeb, N. Kapanadze, Z. Machaidze, T. Jimsheladze, Analyze of underground water regime factors for determine tectonic component, LEPT Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Collection articles, vol. XYI. Proceeding of Conference Dedicate to the 100-th Anniversary of Professor Josef Buachidze. Tbilisi. 2007
- Avtandil G. Amiranashvili, Tamaz L. Chelidze , George I. Melikadze , Igor Y. Trekov , Mariam Sh. Todadze, “Quantification of the radon distribution in various geographical areas of West Georgia”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Association, №12, 2008.
- A. Amiranashvili, L. Chelidze, K. Gvinianidze, G. Melikadze, M. Todadze, I. Trekov, D. Tsereteli. – Radon Distribution and Prevalence of Lung Cancer in Several Areas of West Georgia, Papers of the Int. Conference International Year of the Planet Earth “Climate, Natural Resources, Disasters in tne South Caucasus”, Trans. of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, vol. No 115, ISSN 1512-0902, Tbilisi, 18 – 19 November, 2008, pp. 349 – 353 (in Russian).
- A. Amiranashvili, T. Chelidze, G. Melikadze, I. Trekov, M. Todadze, A. Chankvetadze, L. Chelidze “ Preliminary results of the analysis of radon content in the soil and water in different regions of west Georgia”, Institute of Geophysics ISSN 1512-1135, vol. 60, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 213 – 218 (in Russian).
- T. Jimsheladze, N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze. “Microtemperature observation in Tbilisi seismoactiv region”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Association, №12, 2008.
- G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, “Methodic of analyzing time serials of hydrodynamic parameters for defining earthquake prerequisites”, Institute of Geophysics Proceedings, №60, 2008
- Tamaz L. Chelidze, Tamar J. Jimsheladze, George I. Melikadze, "Induced seismicity due to the oil production in Tbilisi region, Georgia”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Association, №12, 2008.
- M. Todadze, N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, V. Glonti, T. Jimsheladze, “Variation of hydro-chemical regime of underground water during preparation of seismic events”, Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, International year of the Planet earth, “Climate, Natural resources, Disasters in the South Caucasus”, Papers of the International Conference, vol. #115, p. 389-393, 2008.
- G. Melikadze, T. Jimshiladze, G. Kobzev, N. Kapanadze, N. Dovgal, “Seismohydrodynamic observations on the territory of Geoorgia”, Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, International year of the Planet earth, “Climate, Natural resources, Disasters in the South Caucasus”, Papers of the International Conference, vol. #115, p. 375-380, 2008.
- E. Sakvarelidze, L. Glonti, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, “Heat Field Modeling on the Example of Lisi-Saburtalo Area of Tbilisi Thermal Waters”, Institute of Geophysics Proceedings, Tbilisi №60, 2008, p.92-97
- N. Saakashvili, M. Tabidze, I. Tarkhan-Mouravi, E. Khelashvili, A. Amiranashvili, Kirkitadze D., Melikadze G., Nodia A., Tarkhnishvili A., Chikhladze V., Lominadze G., Tsikarishvili K., Chelidze L. – Climatic, Aero – Ionizing and Radiological Characteristics of the Health Resort – Tourist Complex of Tskaltubo City, Papers of the Int. Conference International Year of the Planet Earth “Climate, Natural Resources, Disasters in tne South Caucasus”, Trans. of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, vol. No 115, ISSN 1512-0902, Tbilisi, 18 – 19 November, 2008, pp. 31 – 40 (in Russian).
- A. Amiranashvili, G.Lominadze, G.Melikadze, A.Tarkhnishvili, V.Chikhladze. ,,Aero – Ionizing state and Radiological situation in the Tskaltubo cave”. Trans. of the Institute of Geophysics, Vol. LX, 2008. pp.206-212
- E. Sakvarelidze, L. Glonti, G. Melikadze, “Temperatures Distribution Regularity on Interfaces of Water-bearing Complex Tbilisi’s Thermal Waters Deposit”, Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Proceedings. 66-69, Tbilisi 2009
- G. Bunterbart, N. Kapanadze, G. Kobzev and G. Melikadze. “Re-assessment of the Geothermal Potential of Tbilisi region: The Hydrodynamic Digital Model Project”, “Environment and Recourses”, Association of Academics of Science in Asia Workshop, 25-27 September 2009, Izmir, Turkey, pp 154-161
- George I. Melikadze, Avtandil G. Amiranashvili, Kahha G. Gvinianidze, David G. Tsereteli, Mariam Sh. Todadze “Correlation Between Radon Distribution and prevalence of lung Cancer in West Georgia”, “Environment and Recourses”, Association of Academics of Science in Asia Workshop, 25-27 September 2009, Izmir, Turkey, pp 176-180
- G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, T. Jimsheladze, N. Kapanadze, N. Dovgal, “Some analyze method of hydro-geodynamical data”, Ministry of Education and Sciences of Georgia, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Proceedings, Vol. XVII, Tbilisi 2009.
- E. Sakvarelidze, L. Glonti, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, „Thermal parameters and temperatures Distribution in water-bearing complex of Tbilisi thermal water deposit central region”. Ministry of Education and Sciences of Georgia, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Proceedings, Vol. XVII, Tbilisi, 2009.
- G. Melikadze, T. Chelidze, N. Zhukova, K. Rozanski, M. Dulinski, T. Vitvar. “Using nuclear technology for environmental safety and sustainable development of water resources in Borjomi region (Southern Georgia)” Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (A), Physics of Solid Earth. v. 13a, 2009, pp 17-25.
- A. Amiranashvili, T. Bliadze, G. Melikadze, I. Tarkhan-Mouravi, V. Chikhladze. “Content of light aeroions as the factor of the air purity of some health resorts of Georgia”. Modern problems of using of health resources, Collection of scientific works of international conference Sairme-June 10-13, 2010, Collection of scientific works is refereed in abstract E-journal of “Tekhinform”.
- N. Saakashvili, M. Tabidze, I. Tarkhan-Mouravi, A. Amiranashvili, G. Melikadze, V. Chikhladze. “To a question about the certification of the health resorts and tourist resources of Georgia”. Modern problems of using of health resources, Collection of scientific works of international conference Sairme-June 10-13, 2010, Collection of scientific works is refereed in abstract E-journal of “Tekhinform”.
- N. Saakashvili, M. Tabidze, I. Tarkhan-Mouravi, A. Amiranashvili, G. Melikadze, V. Chikhladze. “To a question about the organization of ionotherapy at the health resorts of Georgia”. Modern problems of using of health resources, Collection of scientific works of international conference Sairme-June 10-13, 2010, Collection of scientific works is refereed in abstract E-journal of “Tekhinform”.
- K. Kartvelishvili, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev “Influence of atmosphere pressure and tidal variation of gravity of the hydrosphere”. Mokheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Proceedings of the Institute Geophysics, Volume 65, page 1 69 -173, 2010
- T. Chelidze, T. Matcharashvili, and G. Melikadze, Earthquakes’ Signatures in Dynamics of Water Level Variations in Boreholes, In: Synchronization and Triggering: from Fracture to Earthquake Processes, Rubeis, Z. Czechowski, R. Teisseyre, Geoplanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2010, Volume 1, Part 3, 287-304, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12300-9_20, Springer.
- N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, Estimation of Zugdidi and Tbilisi Thermal Water Deposits, Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia, 5-13, 2010, Tbilisi, GEORGIA
- G. Melikadze, Assessment of the pollution Probability In Borjomi-Bakuriani Area By Application of Hydrochemical and Stable Isotope, Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia, 13 -24, 2010, Tbilisi, GEORGIA,
- N. Dovgal, G.I. Melikadze, Methodology of Creation of Multi-Parametrical Network, Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia, 50-60, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia,
- G. Kobzev, G.I. Melikadze, Methods of hydrogeodynamical analysis for revealing earthquakes precursors, Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia,.60-69, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia
- T. Jimsheladze, G. Kobzev, G. Melikadze, N. Zhukova, Geodynamical Impact on the Water Level Variations in the Boreholes, Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia, 69-83, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia
- G. Kobzev, N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, N. Zhukova, Creation of Numerical Model of Tbilisi Geothermal Deposit. Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia, 110-124, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia
- G. Melikadze, N. Dovgal, N. Zhukova, Using Numerical Modelling For Borjomi-Bakuriani Drinking Water Reservoir. Workshop materials “Exploration and exploitation of groundwater and thermal water systems in Georgia,, 124 -132, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia
- G. Buntebarth, G. Melikadze. Applying temperature and Pressure Measurements for Estimating the Size of a Water Reservoir. Research workshop on Exploration and Exploitation of Groundwater and Thermal Water Systems in Georgia. Tbilisi,Georgia; 01/2010
- G. Melikadze, L.Tsertsvadze, N. Tsertsvadze, O. Vardigoreli, T. Barabadze. Country Update from Georgia. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 05/2010;
- G. I. Melikadze, T. Chelidze, N. Zhukova, P. Malik, T. Vitvar,. Using Numerical Modelling for Assessment of Pollution Probability of Drinking Water Resources in Borjomi Region (Southern Georgia),Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources, Issues of National and Global Security (Edit Baba, A., Tayfur, G., Gunduz, O., Howard, K.W.F., Fridel, M.J., Chambel, A.), 2011, NATO Science Series. Springer. ISBN:978-94-007-1145-7. Chapter 29, pp.267-275.
- N. Kapanadze, G. I. Melikadze and Genadi Kobzev. Modeling of the Tbilisi (Georgia) Geothermal Deposit Under Climate Change Conditions, Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources, Issues of National and Global Security (Edit Baba, A., Tayfur, G., Gunduz, O., Howard, K.W.F., Fridel, M.J., Chambel, A.), 2011, NATO Science Series. Springer. ISBN: 978-94-007-1145-7. Chapter 30, pp.277-284.
- A. Amiranashvili, T. Bliadze, V. Chikhladze, Z. Machaidze, G. Melikadze, N. Saakashvili, E. Khatiashvili, I. Tarkhan-Mouravi, Sh. Sikharulidze, T. Nakaidze, M. Tavartkiladze - New Data About The Aeroionization Characteristics of the Territory of National Botanical Garden of Georgia as the Factor of the Expansion of Its Sanitation Properties for the Visitors, Proc., Int. Conf. “Applied Geophysics and Geoecology “ Dedicated to the Prof. L. Chanturishvili 90th Anniversary, September 14-15, 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia, (in press).
- A. Amiranashvil, T. Matcharashvili, G. Melikadze, T. Chelidze. - On the climate change in Georgia in the past, at present and in the future: what should be done for filling the gaps, Proc. of VII-th Ann. Int. Conf. of REC Caucasus “Climate Change Adaptation – Challenge and Opportunity for the Caucasus”, November 10-11, 2011, Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 29-30.
- N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, Z. Machaidze, S. Kimotidze, K Bedianishvili, Evolution of Methodology Multi-parametrical Observation on the Territory of Georgia, Workshop-seminars materials “BlackSeaHazNet Series, Volume 2, 54-65, 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia
- G. Kobzev, G. Melikadze, T. Jimsheladze., New method of hydrodynamical data analyse, Workshop-seminar “Complex research of earthquake's forecasting possibilities, seismicity and climate change correlations” materials, “BlackSeaHazNet Series, Volume 25-72, 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia,
- G. Melikadze, N. Kapanadze, G. Kobzev, T Jimsheladze, Geodynamical Impact on the Hydrodynamic Field, Workshop-seminar “Complex research of earthquake's forecasting possibilities, seismicity and climate change correlations” materials, “BlackSeaHazNet Series, Volume 2, 164- 169, 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia,
- T. Jimsheladze, G. Melikadze, G. Kikuashvili, S. Mavrodiev, L. Pekevski, M. Chkhitunidze, Study of Geomagnetic Variations in Georgia and establishment the Anomaly Nature of Earthquake Precursors, Workshop-seminar materials “BlackSeaHazNet Series, Volume 2, 205-214, 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia
- T. Jimsheladze, G. Melikadze, A. Chankvetadze, R. Gagua, T. Matiashvili. The Geomagnetic Variation in Dusheti Observatory Related With Earthquake Activity in East Georgia, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 15A, p.118-128, 2012.
- J.Vaupotič, M. Bezek, N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, T. Makharadze, Radon and Thoron Measurements in West Georgia, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 15A, 128-137, 2012.
- G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, N. Kapanadze, Kh. Bedineishvili, Methodology Creation Numerical Model of Alluvial Deposit Aquifer for Inplement Heat Pump System of Kutaisi International Airport, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 15A, 155-166, 2012.
- G. Melikadze, N. Kapanadze, M. Todadze, “Assessment the role of snow in hydrological cycle of the Borjomula-Gudjareti-Tskali rivers basin”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013.
- G. Melikadze, M. Schubert, Ch. Tsabaris, N. Kapanadze, M. Todadze, Z. Machaidze, A.Chankvetadze, “Using Environment Tracers for Investigation of Submarin Groundwater Discharge”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013.
- T. Jimsheladze, G. Melikadze, A. Chankvetadze, R. Gagua, T. Matiashvili, “The Geomagnetic Variations in Dusheti Observatory January- June 2013”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013.
- G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, N. Kapanadze, M. Todadze, “Creation Numerical Model of The Tsaishi Geothermal Rezervoir for Organization of Geothermal Circulation System”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013.
- G. Melikadze, O. Körting, N. Kapanadze, B. Müller, M. Todadze, T. Jimsheladze, A.Chankvetadze, “Investigation of carbon dioxide fluxes and possibility its storage in Georgia”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013.
- Cht.Mavrodiev, G.Kobzev, A.Sborshchikov, G.Melikadze, “Boreholes Water Level and Earthquake’s daily monitoring”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013.
- T. Jimsheladze, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev “Construction and analysis of the stress state of environment during the preparation of the Racha earthquake 2009” Proceedings of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2013.
- G. Melikadze, M. Todadze, N. Kapanadze, O. Körting, B. Müller, J. Vaupotič, P. Andreeva, Hr. Kiselinov. Study Interaction between Seismicity and Gas Emission on the Territory of Georgia. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- G. Melikadze, N. Kapanadze, M. Todadze, Z. Machaidze, A. Chankvetadze, Ch. Tsabaris, E. Androulakaki, F. Pappa, G. Eleftheriou, D. Patiris, M. Schubert, K. Knoeller, R. Stollberg, U. Mallast. “Using Environment Tracers for Investigation of Bleack Sea Polushion“. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- N. Kapanadze, M. Bezek, J. Vaupotič, G. Melikadze. ,,Radon And Thoron Levels in Air at Selected Places in Georgia”. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- A.Gevorgyan, A.Khangaldyan, S.Cth.Mavrodiev, M.Adibekyan, G.Melikadze, A.Sborshchikovi, G. Kobzev, T. Jimsheladze. ,, Method of Standard Deviation for Analysis of Caucasus Borehole Water Level Data “.Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- G.Melikadze, G. Kobzev, T. Jimsheladze, A. Sborshchikovi. “Water Level’s Variation in Boreholes of Georgia (2011-2013)”. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- G. Melikadze, M. Todadze, G. Kobzev, T. Jimsheladze, A. Sborshchikovi, N. Kapanadze. “Evaluation of Water Level Observation Technology on the Territory of Georgia”. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- A. Sborshchikovi, G. Kobzev, G. Melikadze, S. Cht. Mavrodiev. “Boreholes Water Level and Earthquake’s Prediction (2011-2013)”. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013
- S. Klumbach, O. Körting, H. Babayan, G. Melikadze, B. Müller, T. Neumann, H. Stosch, P. Tozalakyan. “CO2-induced Rock Alteration in Armenia and Georgia “- First Results of BS-ERA.NET Project CauCasCCS. 09/2013; DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20131632
- G.Melikadze, G. Kobzev, T. Jimsheladze. “Selection earthquake precursors by hydrodynamical monitoring territory of Georgia”. Reports, presented on the Scientific Conference “80 years of the M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Tbilisi, 2014.
- G. Melikadze, N. Jukova, M. Todadze, S. Vepkhvadze, N. Kpanadze, A.Chankvetadze, R.Chitanava. “Investigation Alazani-iori catchment using stable isotopes”. Reports, presented on the Scientific Conference “80 years of the M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Tbilisi, 2014.
- G.Melikadze, N.Zhukova, M.Todadze, S.Vepkhvadze, N.Kapanadze, A.Chankvetadze, T. Jimsheladze, R. Chitanava. “ Preliminary result of stable isotopes monitoring in the Alazani-Iori catchment”. Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, 01/2014; Physics of Solid Earth, v.17a (Issue (A)):39-46.
- T.Chelidze, I.Shengelia, N.Zhukova, T. Matcharashvili, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev. “Coupling of Multiple Rayleigh Waves and Water Level Signals during 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake Observed in Georgia, Caucasus”.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Impact Factor: 9.81). 01/2014; 8.
- D. Penna, M.Ahmad, S.J. Birks, L.Bouchaou, M. Brenčič, S. Butt, L.Holko, G Jeelani, D. E. Martínez, G. Melikadze, J.B. Shanley, S.A. Sokratov, T. Stadnyk, A. Sugimoto, P. Vreča. “A new method of snowmelt sampling for water stable isotopes”. Hydrological Processes (Impact Factor: 2.5). 06/2014; 28(22). DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10273
- G. Melikadze, T. Jimsheladze, G. Kobzev, A. Benderev, E. Botev. “Linear methods of studying the water level variation related with seismicity”.Geophysical Journal International (Impact Factor: 2.72). 01/2014; Physics of Solid Earth, v.17a (Issue (A)):65-75.
- G.Melikadze, N.Zhukova, M.Todadze, S.Vepkhvadze, N.Kapanadze, A.Chankvetadze, T. Jimsheladze, T.Vitvar. “Evaluation of recharge origin of groundwater in the Alazani-Iori basins, using hydrochemical and isotope approaches”. Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society 01/2014; Physics of Solid Earth, v.17a (Issue (A)):53-64.
- G. Melikadze, N. Zhukova, M. Todadze, S. Vepkhvadze, T. Vitvar. "Result of numerical modelling of groundwater resource in the Shiraki catchment”. Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society 01/2014; Physics of Solid Earth, v. 17a (Issue (A)):102-108.
- G.Melikadze, G.Kobzev, T.Jimsheladze. “Some Methods of Analyze Geodynamic Imfuct on the Deep Aquifare”. Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society 01/2014; Physics of Solid Earth, v.17a (Issue (A)):47-52.
- G.Melikadze, M.Kralik, R.Pavuza.“Hydrogeological and Speleometeorological Dynamics of the Prometheus and Sataplia Show-Caves, Imereti, Georgia. Geophysical Journal International 01/2014; Physics of Solid Earth, v. 17a (Issue (A)):76-101.