Research Methods of Underground Water
Georgia has an abundance of water recourses; their exploring and sustainable using is extremely important for the country. Unfortunately, nowadays, both - surface water and groundwater recourses experience the significant changes under the ongoing anthropogenic and natural (including climatic) processes. As a result we observe the decrease in the quality and quantity of water resources.
The only way for better management of water resources is detail hydrogeological study of the processes using modern research methods, namely geophysical/geochemical prospecting, monitoring, spatio-temporal modeling of environmental processes. This allow assessing the groundwater resources (including thermal) and finding the environmentally friendly and sustainable regime of exploitation, studying toxic and radioactive contamination of waters and its impact on human health, monitoring hydrogeological, geodynamical/seismic processes and assess the environmental situation.
To get the final product a complex of serious studies using digital modeling specialized programs needs to be conducted, namely:
- Digital Modelling and its calibration.
- Determination of Heat flow.
- Geological and Gas mapping; Determination of hydrochemical concentrations of the components (including toxic ones);
- Isotope studies
- Monitoring of Hydrodynamic, Hydrochemical, Isotope, Thermal etc parameters, organizing control and alarm system of possible pollution.